There’s a deity in me
even my inner demons can see
I’m made up of three
my divinity
is a holy trinity
I’ve risen
as far as I’ve fallen
the garden of Eden
is a paradoxical prison
unveiled by Eve
and her propensity for ultimate wisdom
summoned by the tree of knowledge
of good and evil
the illusion
at the heart-centre of this dimension
Bearing fruit
of Serpentine confusion
Heaven and Hell
in divine union
Press your lips
upon the nectar
of reflection
upon the nectar
of sacred mysticism
upon the nectar
of ultimate creation
swallow the energy of this orgasm
Shakti spiralling into the heavens
from the void
from the abyss
from the darkness
comes everything
comes this never-ending tale
of your reincarnation
waiting for you to rub the slumber from your eyes
to realise
you carved these words into stone
hieroglyph-writings are in your bones
realise you are alchemical gold
and the philosopher's stone
The elixir of life ...
it's in your tone
your words spoken
simultaneously a trigger
and a lullaby
leading you into parallel lives
and the Akashic records of soul profiles
wake up Sleeping Beauty
the serpents are calling
to crown you Medusa
Queen of Orion
in the wake of Poseidon’s falling
the iron gates of Hell
are ironically the golden gates of the Nile
flowing where Atlantis had once sunken
Lemuria is drawing near
following the Aquarian rising
follow the wings of Horus
the incantations of the swallow Goddess Isis
follow the smoke from the burning bush that had Moses in crisis
follow Osiris into the underworld
to the Arc of the Covenant
withholding the Emerald Tablets
reflecting to you
your truest essence
your absolute greatness
you are the reflection of the sun
the shadow of the moon
you are Thoth himself
the thrice-great Hermes
projecting out the universe inside you