I’m tired
I’m confused
I have no more fight or flight
I’ve had enough of masking
I’m tired
of the labels and false identities
I’ve plastered onto myself
and let you plaster onto me
I’m tired
of trying to fit a square peg
into a round hole
when the truth is
I’m formless
I’m shapeless
and therein lies my blessing
and my curse:
I feel everything
for I am everything
I feel my feelings and I feel yours too
I didn’t ask to
this gift is a double-edged sword
I am the victim
I am the perpetrator
as are you
I am a beautifully wild beast
dancing alone and naked
underneath the moon
but keeping it secret
because I’m ashamed
of my divine darkness
my Kali-etched skin
my Medusa-seething, serpentine hair
I’m tried of fighting the shadows
that are trying to liberate me
that are trying to liberate us
from the shackles
of staying small
of staying silent
when truth be told
there’s a lot to be said
that you never wanted to hear
and that I never wanted to admit
in this lifetime
or any other
I am your mirror
You are mine
We are tired
and it’s at this point of exhaustion
that the ego
and dissociates
so that you and I can finally
come to realise
separation is an illusion
we’re all the same
we’re all each other’s reflections
we’re all tired
of misinterpreting the unconscious
we’re tired of this amnesia
that forsakes us
that disconnects us
from each another
we’re tired of
the karmic repetition
of cognitive dissonance,
of the repression and suppression
of our divine selves
and the infinite awareness
of our own God heads
we’re tried
of remaining